City of Auburn Parks and Recreation
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Advanced Square Dancing with the Village A’s Register View Cart

For those who have completed the Mainstream and Plus levels of square dancing and have become highly proficient at dancing those levels. We begin with teaching of the A1 level and then the A2 level will follow thereafter. We take our time teaching and explaining each call then walk thru the call and dance it until all are proficient at dancing that call. We build on each call each week as we are dancing. After all calls are taught, we will just continue dancing.  FREE to the Public. 

Larry Belcher
(334) 703 - 2054

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Advanced Square Dancing with the Village A’s -Winter 2025 - Larry Belcher 
15y and up N/A Th  12/05/2024 - 02/27/2025
02:15 PM - 04:45 PM

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$0.00 Res, $0.00 Non-Res