Monday, December 16: White Elephant Gift Exchange & Holiday Brunch
Celebrate the holidays at our white elephant gift exchange and brunch! Each participant must bring one wrapped gift that costs about $10. The gift can be traditional or a "gag gift." We will all select a number, which determines our gift selecting order. At each person's turn, they can, choose to open a new present or "steal" another person's unwrapped gift. When a person's gift is stolen, that person chooses another wrapped gift to open. The game is over when the last person has taken their turn. Fun, laughter and opposition are sure to ensue! Please register by Monday, December 9th by 5 p.m. The cost is $5 plus $10 wrapped gift required.
Refund Policy : All refunds will be reviewed and approved by the Community Programs Coordinator. In order to receive a refund your spot must be filled by someone on the waitlist.