City of Auburn Parks and Recreation
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Ride and Seek

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Join the Auburn Bike Committee for Ride and Seek. Ride and Seek is an event designed to teach kids how to ride bike cycles and have fun. Designed for kids in grades K - 8, riders and their parents will get safety tips from our experts and test their skills on our mountain bike trail and paved trail. There will be free prizes and a raffle for some great bike equipment. Each child must have a guardian or parent registered. Must register by August 11th at 8:00 to receive a t - shirt. $10 per person. 

Check in will begin at 8:30 AM 
Mountain Bike Ride: 9:00 AM 
Road Ride: 9:30 AM

Rules and Event Information
  1. Bicyclists must obey all traffic signals, stop signs and police officers as required by law. Bicycle riders obey the same rules of the road as do drivers of motor vehicles.
  2. Be considerate; share the road with motorists. Move to the right of the road to allow motorists to pass on the left.
  3. Ride & Seek is NOT A RACE. Ride at a comfortable pace, enjoy the scenery, and chat with your fellow riders.
  4. Helmets, properly worn, are required on all participants while bicycling during Ride & Seek.
  5. Riders age 12 or under must be accompanied while riding. A parent or guardian may accompany the child, or an Escort Permission Form must be on file, naming an adult to ride with the child in place of the parent/guardian. 
  6. Riders age 13-18 may ride unaccompanied if their parent or guardian grants permission on the registration form. Otherwise, a parent/guardian or escort must accompany the rider as described above.
  7. Any photos taken at Ride & Seek by the City of Auburn personnel or their agents will become property of the City of Auburn.
  8. Door prize drawings will be held at 10:30 am.  You must be present to participate.

Ride and Seek