City of Auburn Parks and Recreation
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Fall Cheerleading

This program is currently unavailable. Click here to view all of our current programs.

Girls will be instructed by staff in basic cheerleading skills. Girls will be placed on squads to cheer for the Auburn Youth Football Association football games. Squads will not cheer for specific teams. Squads will practice once a week and cheer at one game each week. $95 per child. 

Preseason practice:
 Preseason practice will be on Saturday August 3rd from 1 to 3 PM.  

Uniform Fitting: 
Saturday, August 10 from 9 am – 11 am
Tuesday, August 13 from 5- 7 pm 

Practice will begin the week of August 12th. Squads will be selected on August 5th. Practice days and times are TBD. Squads will practice twice a week the month of August until games start in September

Age(s)              Game Day(s)             Locations                     Season Length
1st - 4th grade    Mondays                      ASF                               Aug - Nov
Sarah Cook • 501-2948 • 

Houston Manning • 501-2942 •